First the from-address (a.e. aprsemail2[at] the mail is being sent must have a Shortcut setup for it (registration) to get it into the APRS system (see section aprs2mail).
The APRS station (tocall) must be onair in this moment so the mail can reach the recipient for sure.
The email is limited to the subject line and there are strict formating rules.
To reach the AE5PL email gateway you can send the mail to aprsemail2[at] OR aprs[at] or you can use the form above.
You can send a mail only from a registered email account (Shortcut setup).
To: aprs[at] OR aprsemail2[at]
Subject: IW3BRC-15:Let me know if you're safe.
Body: userid:web:
First the from-address (a.e. aprsemail2[at] the mail is being sent must have a Shortcut setup for it (registration) to get it into the APRS system.
The APRS station (tocall) must be onair in this moment so the mail can reach the recipient for sure.
The email is limited to the subject line and there are strict formating rules (see section mail2aprs).
To create a Shortcut (a.e. web) simply send a message from APRS system (as ham radio operator!) to "EMAIL-2" with the Shortcut name and a space and then the email address:
IW3BRC-15>APRS:EMAIL-2 web aprsemail2[at]
This created a shortcut called web that will send email to aprsemail2[at]
To use a Shortcut simply send a message (OK) like normal but use your shortcut name instead of the email address.
To get an email with all Shortcuts associated with an email address send a message to "EMAIL-2" with the address and a space followed by a lower case l.
IW3BRC-15>APRS:EMAIL-2 web l
To remove a Shortcut simply send a message to "EMAIL-2" with the shortcut name and a space and a capital R.
The AE5PL server will also cache emails for 24 hours in case you did not receive them.
To receive all cached email sent a message to "EMAIL-2" with a get.
Have fun!
APRS Email2 Dashboard V0.1 Beta by IW3BRC Tobias
Email contact: info [at]